The Price of Being Jewish

Marc Snyderman
4 min readJun 2, 2024


Etz Ha’Chaim Reborn by Elizabeth Sutton that hangs in my home

We are only 0.2% of the world’s population, yet we live under a microscope that has turned nations and empires to seek to eradicate us throughout history. The world loves an underdog, but we consistently fight above our weight class — so that’s not us. The statistics speak for themselves:

• It is estimated that men and women of Jewish descent have won 22% of the Nobel Prizes awarded, with that number at over 30% for the science-related prizes.

• We consistently have at least 20% of the world's Fortune 400 individuals.

• Jews own the majority of major Hollywood studios and sports teams.

• Since the establishment of the Pulitzer Prize in 1918, Jews have won 53% of the awards in the nonfiction category and 14% of the awards for fiction.

• Between 1901 and 2007, Jews won 401 medals in the Olympic games.

I read an argument by Prof. Robert Eisen of George Washington University that classical Rabbinic Judaism promotes four values more than other Western religions: respect for human autonomy, belief in freedom of thought and expression, the conviction that life in this world is inherently good, and respect for education. These four core values have propelled the Jewish population—that, plus our core belief that we belong in this world no matter how many try to take us out (and many have tried).

The price of being Jewish and successful is a global rise in antisemitism that cannot be disputed. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) surveyed over 4 billion people and indicated over 25% harbor antisemitic thoughts. The ADL tracked a total of 3,283 antisemitic incidents between October 7 and January 7, a 361% increase from the prior year. The American Jewish Committee found that 4 of 10 college students have been subjected to antisemitic behavior in the United States alone in 2023–2024.

So, how do we combat this?

Loud and proud is what we preach.

Elizabeth Sutton (Elizabeth Sutton Collection) is an artist, entrepreneur, Jewish advocate, and true mensch whom I respect dearly. I’ve admired and purchased her art and products for almost 7 years. Her choice of colors and subjects and understanding of design and lifestyle are frankly stunning. I’m certainly not the only one who has recognized this, as she has built a huge following and signed more than a dozen deals with major retailers to pursue her dream of being a ubiquitous lifestyle brand. It’s been a joy to watch as someone who supports entrepreneurs, especially women in business.

All the while, Elizabeth has always represented her Judaism in her work and has been an outspoken advocate for Israel, not just in words but in action. She has held gallery events, sales, attended fundraisers, and reached deep into her own pockets to support Israel. As a Jew, this is so meaningful, and I have purchased art to help support her efforts.

But what’s the price of being Jewish?

Since October 7, 2023, every major retailer that is NOT owned by a Jewish person has canceled its contracts with her business. This is 12 different retailers and a massive hit to her business, which had a strong business-to-business focus for growth as a lifestyle brand. Without these deals, she will need to pivot her entire business to a business-to-consumer model or focus inwardly on the Jewish community for business-to-business opportunities.

This is disgraceful.

I don’t accept this as a Jew, as an entrepreneur, as a lawyer, or as a human. Demand that your companies not back down from what is right and stand up for the deals they make.

Be human.

To those in the Jewish community, I say we must work to support our own because no one will do it for us. I ask you to support people like Elizabeth today — not tomorrow, not a year from now. Go to and make a purchase. It means everything. Go to your local Jewish-owned store and buy something. Go dine at your local Jewish-owned restaurant.

The American Jewish Committee report on antisemitism in 2023 indicated that 1 in 5 US Jewish-owned businesses have been the subject of antisemitic acts. Businesses with signs supporting Israel have been vandalized, and calls for boycotts continue at college campuses all over. Any social media post, including my own that supports Israel and Judaism is met with antisemitic tropes and hate-filled comments.

The price of being a proud Jew is direct antisemitism, and it’s seen beyond the financial aspects in the comments and protests worldwide. It’s apparent that no matter how many Nobel prizes or gold medals we win, it will never be enough. We will always have to pay the price of being the scapegoats and not truly accepted, but we will persevere and thrive. It’s what we do.

Support your fellow Jews and be loud and proud — it’s worth the price.



Marc Snyderman

dad, company exec, lawyer, social media novice, frequent advice giver and sometimes taker